Marcos and Ada’s Story

Ada and her husband became connected with Hope Zone just over four years ago. They came to Tijuana from Mexico City looking for a fresh start. While living in Mexico City, Ada and Marco made poor choices and associated themselves with the wrong people. Misguided decisions later led to unfortunate consequences for their family.

Our story with them began when they started to bring their daughter to participate in our programs however, Marcos and Ada would stay their distance to watch. Their daughter, Erandy, would later return home with stories of what God was doing in her heart and this eventually sparked an interest in Ada and her husband to join their daughter at Hope Zone. Both Marcos and Ada came as a timid and closed-off couple. It was rare to hear from them or for them to go deep into conversation with us. Unfortunately, all the negativity and fear that has been sown into the city of Tijuana has created an atmosphere of extreme separation and seclusion where it's unusual to know one's neighbors living in the same building – let alone one's neighbors down the street. There is a huge lack of trust amongst neighbors and people in the city. Naturally, Marcos and Ada’s family sank into that cycle upon arriving to Tijuana.

After some time getting to know Marcos and Ada, they expressed that their plan was not to stay long in Zona Norte. They had dreams and desires to go to the United States. It wasn't long after that conversation that their hearts began to change as they encountered first hand God's love for them and the blessing that comes from walking in obedience. Ada and Marcos began to embrace where their feet were and sought out discipleship in their times with us at Hope Zone. They expressed with us after time that it was clear that they needed to stay in Tijuana and that God was doing something in their family. Weeks went by and they came to us with miracle stories and victories that were happening within their family. It was becoming more and more evident that Marcos and Ada were clearly seeking God's plan for their lives.

As the years have passed, Marcos and Ada have stepped up to be key community leaders within Hope Zone. We have seen an overwhelming growth in their family and a desire to grow in their character and relationship with God. We are blessed to have them on our team and grateful to serve a God who redeems families and does immeasurably more than we could ever do ourselves. Their story reminds us why it’s worth it to fight for the family’s of Zona Norte. Great things are coming for this family and we are so incredibly excited to see how their future will continue to unfold.

Michael Miles